Friday, December 13, 2019



On the surface, it will appear that the song and dance of the British advent in Africa are of a Carpetbagger advent disguised as a Soul saving Christian Evangelism with the power of Civilization. But scrape the surface you will see a deep-rooted Racism in their policies towards the Natives. For a starter, I read a Handbook from my Grandfather's Library when I was Eight or Nine years old. Although my young mind did not understand the implications of what I was reading. The title is A HANDBOOK FOR COLONIAL SERVANTS IN AFRICA. The things that stayed in my mind till today are.
1. Never use the same Toilets as the Natives.
2. Never Eat before the Natives
3. Never Bow or Take Off your Cap  Before Their Chiefs.
4. Never ask a Question from any Native, they must Belief that you know Everything.
5. Always look them straight in the eyes until they look down under your gaze.
6. Always call a Native to do all Manual Labour. Never touch a Manual work when a Native is around.
7. Never Laugh or Make a Joke with them.
Even the so-called Abolition of the Slave Trade was a Scam. They never plan to set the Black man free.
Although there are some Christians and White Liberals that sincerely abhor the Immorality of Slavery. But the British Government supported the Abolition for Economic Gains.
Thanks to Equiano Olaudah, He was the one that convinces the British Parliament to Stop Importing Black People to their Country. That over the years, the Black People will be more than the  Brits in their own Country.
Equiano Olaudah told the British Parliamentarians that it is more beneficial to the British People and the British Economy for the Black People to remain in their natural environment, given the high rate of Fertility among the Africans. That those Africans are potential Customers of British Products. He told them that they will make more money in leaving the Black People in Africa.
That they will make more money by Exporting the Products of the British Industrial Revolution to the Africans.
So Africa was set up as an Importation Continent.
This is very True until today in Nigeria, despite the potentials and wealth of Nigeria. There is not one Needle or Nail producing Factory in Nigeria.
Why I say Nigeria is a British Experiment is because when Nigeria was Annexed to Britain in 1861 we had the Northern and Southern Protectorates, two individual Countries, but in 1914 they came with the Devilish Seed of Destruction in the Guise of  Amalgamation.
Instructions then came from the Colonial Office in London to their Un-Lordship Lugard the then Governor of Nigger-Area (You may think it is Niger-Area).
That Lugard must never allow the Christian Missionaries to work in any part of the Northern Protectorate, The North must be maintained as an Islamic Nation (Yes, that is from, Britain a so-called Christian Nation).
But, the Muslim Preachers should be encouraged to Preach in the South.
Thus compounding, the Cultural and Language Divisions in the two Protectorates and Spiritually in the part of the South that accept Islam.
When the Independence Movements came to Nigeria it was the South that wanted it.
Britain recently lost the Jewel in the British Empire Crown to a Sage in a Loin Cloth with a Shepherd Staff.
The British saw the Triumph of Mahatma Gandhi as a Slap on their Empire Face because the British Believed that they are the Master of the Universe that is why they walk the Earth with Confidence in Authority.
The British, Refused to give Independence to the African Countries saying that they are not ready yet for the Business of running a Country It took some Gorrila wars before they started giving Independence to the African Countries.
So they did not want to lose Nigeria too. Because Nigeria is the Jewel in the British African Crown. That is why they use the North against the South, thus sowing the seed of Failure in Nigeria to prove to the world that they were right in not wanting Independence for the African Colonies.
It will be very naive of us to think that the Colonialist Loves us or had our Interest at Heart. He Loves his People and Has the Interest of His People at Heart.
It is Left for Us to Love or Oppresses One Another It is None of the White man's Business.

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