Thursday, May 28, 2015


Most of we Nigerians, practice what I call, 
Christianity; without depth or Substance. Our Christianity is a part of our Culture of Efficy:

We Penetrate, every Street Conner, with Churches like the British Corner Shops. 
Yet Christ does not penetrate our Hearts. We Dance and Shout Halleluiah!!! Christ is the Lord!!! 
Yet, Naira is the Lord of Our Hearts. 
We Shout the Lord is Great!!! 
Yet, Wealth and Material things, is Greater than the Lord for us.
The Scandinavians may not be “churchy”, but they are highly spiritual in their ways of life. Actually Christianity is the basis of all Western Civilization. 

All the Love and Care that the Scandinavian Governments give to their Citizens is based on Bible Principles.
They use to be, very strong, Christian Nations. So Christ way of life has Penetrated their Hearts for many Generations it has become their Culture, a way of Life for them, their Nature.

For example Finland my adopted country, is the least Corrupt Country in the World. The worst thing, you can deeply hurt a Finnish Person with, is to call him or her a Liar or a Thieve. 

Whereas, if you call, some of my Nigerian brothers; a thief, they will see it as a Complement. They will tell you, that, Money is in the Mouth of the Lion, Only the Brave ones, who are ready to Lie, Cheat, Steal, Kill or be Killed, can take the Money from the lion’s Mouth. 

So, you can see the difference in the orientation of the two peoples. Although the Scandinavians might not go to the Church, Christ has Refined their Nature.
Whereas, my Happy Clappy, Nigerian Christian Brother, that practically lives in the Church has not allow Christ to Control his Heart.

Really, thinking about it, most of us Nigerians are First Generation Christians. We still see Christ as a (BABALAWO) the SHAMAN that has the Magic Wand to solve our Problems, like in the Days of Old when our Forefathers Consult with the Oracles. 

In my Observations, Money is the God that most Nigerians Serve. They go to Churches to Receive their own Miracle. They Sow Seed; every time for same Miracle of Money and Wealth.
Yet, only the Pastors are Receiving the Miracles of Wealth and Private Jets. They contribute their meager funds into the Church’s School and University projects, yet, the school fees are too expensive for the congregation to send their Children to. Only the Corrupt officials can send their Children there.

I so much love God, for He is no Respecter of Stupidity. He does not bend his Laws to Human Frivolities.
He has given us everything we need to know in the Bible. If we are too lazy to pick up the Bible and read it for our selves, then too bad, we are on our own.

We were told in the Bible, that, we have one Father God, and that, Jesus Christ is the Only intermediary between us and God. If we then put our Faith in Pastors to Intercede between us and God, we deserve what we get.
If, after, He has warned us, that in the Last Days, False Prophets will Arise. Doing Wonders in his Name but He will Deny Them in His Father’s Kingdom. That, they are; Workers of Iniquities.

Yet, you give your money to every Jill, Jack and Harry Pastor, that is your own Problems.

We should all try to read the Bible for ourselves, at least to know what it is saying to us.

Also we should pray for the Holy Spirit of God to Minister Christ into our Heart, that we may have, a Christ like Mind.
So that, we may always Do The Right Thing.
I say to that, AMEN!!!!.

Monday, May 18, 2015


Quatrain:  I

Dear Brother Man!
This Morning! You Looked, into
The Mirror! What did you see!
Oh! Dear Brother Man!

Is it the Man of Your?
Childhood Dreams!
Or the Man!
You have become!

Tell me, My Brother Man!
Is it the Honorable Man?
Of Your Dreams! Or the
Clown, you have become.

Is it the Protector! of the
Weak that you dreamt to be! Or,
The Unrepentant Oppressor!
You have become!

Are you, the Humble and Friendly?
Man! Of Your Dreams! Or
The Arrogant and Pompous Egotist!
That you have become!

Oh! Dear Brother Man!
What do you really see?
When you look into the Mirror!

Tell Me! My Brother Man!

Friday, May 15, 2015


The Yoruba Language, spoken by the Yoruba People of the western part of Nigeria, is an interesting language.

It is one of the oldest languages in the world; I read somewhere years back when I was in College in Greece, that the Hebrew language developed from a language that has its roots in the Yoruba language.

Most languages of the world today, have some words that have its roots in the Yoruba Language.

I actually believe that the Greek Language and the Greek People are Descendants of the Yoruba People, due to the similarity in the Greek Language structure and Yoruba, the Greek Culture and Yoruba Culture, the Greek Mentality and Yoruba Mentality.

The similarity of these two Peoples is too overwhelming to be a coincidence.

What arouses my interest in the language is, its dynamism, although it originates in Nigeria, it is spoken in the Republic of Benin, Cuba, Brazil, and in Religious Ceremonies in Haiti, actually, in the Haitian religious system, it is believed that; after death the Soul travels back to Ile-Ife the Paradise.

Ile-Ife on Co-Ordinates: Longitude: 7°28’14.54″N and Latitude: 4°33’23.94″E. In the West of Nigeria; is believed to be the physical and Spiritual Center of the World, it is believed in Yoruba etymology that Ile-Ife is the SOURCE of all humans in the World today. Even the name Adam is a Yoruba word- Adamo=Created from Clay.

Yoruba is spoken in more than fifty dialects in Nigeria with each generation adding its own slang; although an ancient language this flexibility makes Yoruba a modern language to each generation.

The latest addition into the Yoruba vocabulary is the word “EFFICY”.

This word was coined into the Yoruba Language by the “419 Boys” (The Notorious Nigerian Scammers in Lagos).

This word EFFICY originates from the English word EFFECT, like in Film Effect, to make what is not appearing real.
This word EFFICY is commonly used today as a Yoruba word among the youths, for example, if a girl is well dressed and made-up, her friends may say, this EFFICY (i.e. make believe) of yours is Superb, meant as a compliment.

I was thinking of the above and my beloved Country of Birth yesterday evening, upon my bed; before I drifted into the unknown world of Dreams, then my mind drifted to a scene that happened in the mid-nineties, in my adopted Country, Finland.

I went into the MEMPHIS Restaurant and Cafeteria, right in the Center of Helsinki, to have an evening tea; MEMPHIS is famous for her Floor to Roof Glass Windows, I took my sit at an empty table beside the window, as I settled down, I saw by the window sill a golden cased NOKIA phone that was just released into the market in Finland the previous week, this latest Nokia phone was selling for about $800 USD. I picked the phone and gave it to the service person at the bar and went back to my table.

As I was enjoying my evening tea about fifteen minutes later, a gentle man between the age of thirty two and thirty five years old; dressed in a business suit carrying a portfolio rushed into the Cafeteria side of the Restaurant and came straight at my table, his eyes searching the breath and length of the wide window and its sill.

In the typically Shy, Polite, Respectful and Civilized Finnish way of handling things, the man did not say a word to me. I was curious to see if he will talk to me first, he just walk up and down the Cafeteria, his eyes scorching the window sill.

When I was sure, he is not about to ask me anything, I asked him, if I can help him, then he said, “I think, I left my phone somewhere here”.
I took him to the bar, told the bar person who was busy attending to other customers, that, this man is the owner of the mobile phone that I gave her.

After he has collected his phone, he came to my table to thank me and offer to buy me any drink of my choice. I thanked him, and told him not to bother repaying me for doing my duty. He gave me his business card and say if I ever need any help in Finland, I should not hesitate to call on him.

Then he asked me what Country I came from, I told him Nigeria. He was so shocked that I thought he is going to have a heart attack. When he recovered from his initial shock, he sat at my table and asked me if I am sure that I am a Nigerian. I said I am. Then he said, if I am a Nigerian; how come I return his expensive Mobile Phone, because he receive scam letters from Nigerian Criminals on a daily basis, letters that has ran into hundreds by then.

That incident happened over twenty years ago and the “419 Boys” Scammers are still waxing strong in Nigeria today, my drowsiness left me I became saddened and wide awake thinking; why the Nigerian Government has not stopped this Cankerous Epidemic that has destroyed the Image of Nigeria and Nigerians in the World Community.

In this Saddened and Sleepless State, I realized that, why the so called Nigerian Government cannot stop the “419” epidemic is because the Government itself is a 419 Scam – an EFFICY – like everything else in the Nigerian Factor.

Nothing is what they seem. In Nigeria, the Government is not a Government, a Police Man is not a Police Man, Power Authority is not generating Energy, a Taxi is not a Taxi, an Hospital is not a Hospital, an Institution of Higher Learning is not what it is suppose to be, the Air Port is not an Airport, a Hotel is not an Hotel, everything is just an Illusion of the real thing in other Countries.

In Intelligent Countries of the World, the purpose of a Government is to Serve, Nurture, Plan and Provide for her Citizens.
In Nigeria the purpose of Government is to oppress the Citizens, Destroy the Middle Class, and Plunder the National Wealth, Siphon Stolen Money to Foreign Banks, the Nigerian Government is not performing the Functions of a Real Government, so, the Nigerian Government is a 419 Scam, a Make Believe an Illusion an EFFICY.

The purpose of a Police Force in any Nation is to preserve Law and Order, uphold Peace and Justice.

Nigeria too has a Police Force, like any other Nation in the World, only the Nigerian Police Force is the Arbiter of Corruption (One Inspector General of the Nigerian Police was once caught with Millions of Nigerian Naira, Pound Sterling and US Dollars) hidden in his Office. The Nigerian Police is the embodiment of Lawlessness, Disorder, Sorrow and Injustice.

So, the Nigerian Police Force is a fake Organization it is a 419 Scam, an EFFICY.

Every Country has a Power Generating Corporation, that supply Electricity to the People of that Country, Nigeria has too, it is called NEPA, for the past 40 years with Billions of US Dollars spent on Energy, Nigerians are yet to see the Light. So NEPA is a Scam a 419 an EFFICY.

Not to tire my readers, the above happens in all areas of human Endeavor in Nigeria. Education, Aviation, Military, Communication e.t.c.

The Chibok Girls Saga, vindicates what I wrote above. Nigerian Army is probably the Biggest Army in Africa. With Billions of US Dollars spent on Security Annually.
Yet the Nigerian Military is unable to wipe out a rag-tag BOKO HARAM off the Surface of the Earth. Why? !!!

Because the Nigerian Army has turned into a 419 Enterprise, a Make Belief an Illusion of what a National Army are elsewhere. The Nigerian Generals are interested only in making their Thieving Fortune in the Nigerian Oil Industry.
They are less concerned with the Security of the Country, because they know that if Push comes to Shove, they will run away to England or America to enjoy their Nigerian Stolen Wealth.
So the Nigerian Army is a Scam a 419 an EFFICY.

If our Leaders are Serious in Making our Country a Truly Great Nation, they should throw away their Agbada and all other Flowing Gowns, put on their Khaki Knickers and Roll Up Their Sleeves.

The job of Building a Nation is a Very Serious Business; it is one of the Highest Honors that can be given to a Person. It is not a Position to Amass Wealth and have a Good Time, to Collect all Types of Allowances including Costume Allowance, while Refusing to increase the Minimum Wage in the Country from $50 USD to $100 USD Per Month, this is Repulsive, Inhuman and Unjust, it is like giving Men’s Jobs to Boys, only CLOWNS working in Children Department of Television Stations receive Costume Allowance.

This is a Time for our Nation Building, it is not a Party time Yet.