Monday, August 8, 2016


This is the Fire Brigade Approach to Serious National Issues, that I am talking about.
The Chartered Airline Company refused to take the Nigerian Dream Team , because of the reputations we have built for ourselves.

I wanted to take a direct flight from Houston, Texas to Lagos about two months ago.
I was told that there is no more direct flights from Houston, Texas to Lagos.
That the Nigerian Partner of the United Airlines, nearly Bankrupted the United Airlines, which operated this route. The Nigerian Partner pocketed all monies made on the Nigerian end of the Business.

I am very sure that all the Nigerian Sports Officials, are well settled in their fancy Hotels in Rio with their fat allowances.
While the athletes that have been training hard, for the glory of our Fatherland were left stranded somewhere else in the world.
It is only in Nigeria, that the Water-bed Stomached and Staircase Necked, Nigerian sports Civil Servants, believed that they are more important than the athletes they suppose to serve.

I have heard a lot of stories from our Nigerian Athletes and I have seen with my own eyes how our Sports Civil Servants treat our Sports Men and Women.
Actually, most of the Sports Civil Servants, believe that; they are doing the Athletes a Favour by taking them abroad to represent their Fatherland.

There has been accusations and rumours of Bribery and Serious Corruption in our National Sports Establishment in Nigeria. But it seems nobody is willing to do anything about it.

It is well known among the Nigerian Sporting Youths, that it is not always, being the best in your athletic discipline, that get you selected to represent Nigeria abroad. More often than not, it is the size of the Bribe you can offer.

I was living in Athens, Greece in the 80's. I was there when the 1st World Junior Championships in Athletics took place from 16-20 July 1986. 
I met with the Nigerian Sports Men and Women, who did our Country Proud. Nigeria won 4 Medals (2Gold, 1Silver and 1 Bronze).

My four-day encounter with our Nigerian Athletes at this event really opened my eyes to the Miserable Fortunes of our Athletes. They all complained of not having any money on them or anywhere else, for that matter. That they were not given any money at all. Some asked me if I can spare some few dollars, so that, at least they can buy
some postcards for their loved ones at home. I was moved to tears, these are, our young sports men and women who trained hard to fly high the Nigerian Flag in the Community of Nations. These are the generation that will encourage the next generation after them. These are the Heroes of our Fatherland. These are the Role Models for our children.
Yet some Overfed, Corruption Invested, Clownish Government Servant, with his pot belly, had it in his Coconut Head (please, excuse my French) that he is superior to these Specimen of Human Beings?

I saw the officials too, in their woollen suits and their ties, frying under the Greek Summer heat of 38-45 Degree Centigrade.
They were running after Businesses with the Greeks. One of them approached me to help him translate between him and a Greek Business Man. I politely refused and directed him to a professional translation Service near his Hotel.

I hope that the Ministry of Sports, will look into the Dynamics of our sport organizations and our selection processes. Because it is a sin and unacceptable in this day and age to be treating our sport men and women inhumanly, especially the under twenty, age group. They are treated like slaves in the camps.
You can please do your research, speak with those who has passed through  the under twenties camp. You will be shocked with the stories that you will hear.

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