Monday, April 27, 2015



I was at the Mandela Day, Gala Dinner at the Radisson Hotel, in Swords, Dublin, Ireland; on Saturday the 19th of July 2014.

The Dinner Party was well organized by ANC Ireland, many people representing different organizations were in attendance.

The food was good the music was great, the dance floor was bursting with energy in various dance steps from Africa to the Caribbeans and everything in between including dance to Scottish Pipe music. All went very well, then the Disc Jockey played Bob Marley's ONE LOVE, the Dance Floor Exploded, many people had been siting all night, and some people like me, that has hung my Dancing Shoes many years ago, scrambled to the Dance Floor, singing and dancing to Marley's "One Love".
The dance floor was filled with Love, emanating from all of us on the Dance Floor
though our skin color and Nationalities varies; at that moment we all became ONE, we all melted into one UNIVERSAL SOUL of LOVE.

Then I experienced an opening of the Senses. Right there before me. Mandela’s Dream was revealed to me as clear as a Sunny Day in Jo'Borg.

It was nothing short of an Epiphany. What I saw was Beautiful and Powerful. It is like the Gates of the Heavens were opened, welcoming me into the Mind of God, revealing the original purpose of Divinity for Mankind, that we should love our neighbors as we love ourselves.
In that moment of Oneness with all Mankind, I experienced the Love of God and that God is Love.
Looking at the Rainbow Nation and the Rainbow Nationalities before me. I vividly understood Madiba's Dream for South Africa.

A South Africa where all Tribes and Races live in Peace and Harmony, an Ideal worth Living for and if need be, an Ideal Worth Dying for.

This is why this recent wave of Xenophobic attacks in South Africa is particularly very painful to me.
Because, probably, South Africa and South Africans (both Black and White) are the most Beloved People and Country in the World today. Everybody Love the South Africans.

Thanks to Mandela, when people think of Africa their mind go first to S. A.
That is why South Africa became the Capital country of Africa, and Pretoria the Capital City of Africa. Jo'Borg is to Africans what New York City is to the Western World.
This was achieved in one generation, this is a Legacy that all South Africa citizens should hold dear.

Being an Expatriate in many countries, all my adult years, I can not but have a strong opinion about this recent incidents.

Mostly, Xenophobia is always started by, the Economically Marginalized of the Society. Those that contribute little or nothing economically to the local Economy.

They spread the Myth that Foreigners take their Jobs. Foreigners, got that Job in the first place, because you are not working that Job.
Mostly the Xenophobic ones are the Lazy ones, who in their Foolish Pride are too proud to dirty their hands with Manual Labor. Often, they are not educated in any form of trade.

More often than not, the immigrants, come into the host Country, Hungry for Success, will do any type of odd job, even with a University Degree in his pocket
from his Country of Origin.
By dint of hard work, most immigrants prosper over the years, in their host country, than their Local Contemporaries.

Xenophobia, really, has its roots in Jealousy, the locals, out of Jealousy, starts a campaign of hate against the successful Migrants.
They forgot that, when they, the Locals, were smoking and drinking their life away in the Night Clubs of their Cities and Towns, their Migrant Counterparts were working three Jobs simultaneously.

Although most Xenophobic are Illiterate Idiots, they are too Stupid to Understand the repercussions of their actions. They lack the Intellectual Faculty to understand the Intricacies of a modern day society.
They can not understand that, today, the world is a global village.
What happens in one corner of the world will resonate, around the World.

For example, some Nigerians are advocating for the boycott of MTN Network in Nigeria, for two weeks. In protest, MTN being a South African Company that makes most of its profits in Nigeria. Actually the profit that MTN Nigeria, make in one Quarter, is more than what every Nigerian in South Africa put together, make in one whole year.

That is just one South African Company, there are many Companies from South Africa, thriving, all over Africa.

The Xenophobes, must be educated to understand that, the days of tribal warfare are over. We have to learn to tolerate each other.

Killing and Burning each other alive is Unacceptable, It is Inhuman, It is Barbaric it is Ungodly.
The Government should try to Alleviate the Sufferings of this Destitute people, in the form of a Government Life Subsidy. Because Abject Poverty turns Men into Animals.
If we in Africa continue to neglect, the Poor and the Vulnerable amongst us, we shall end up loosing more, than the minimal money that is needed for their uplifting right now.

I actually believe that those Nations that the Gods want to punish Economically, are the ones, that drive away foreigners from their Country.

Unfortunately we Africans do not learn from our past mistakes.
It is a Myth that, foreigners ruins Local Economy; to the contrary, Foreigners do create Economic Boom in Countries that welcome them.

For example, during the last World Financial Crisis, that hits most Countries of the world, Canada is probably, the only country in the world, that does not suffer a scratch. Canada has been (Importing) I mean, Inviting, Migrants into Canada for many years now.

In the 70's Ghana drove Nigerians out of Ghana. After the Pogrom, Ghanian Economy Nose Dived, by the Early parts of the 80's over Two Million Ghanians were immigrants in Nigeria. Doing all types of Jobs contributing massively to the Nigerian Economy.

Sadly for Nigeria and due to most of our African Leaders Fire Brigade approach to Serious National issues.
Ghanians were sent packing, because, a Ghanian Driver stole a Peugeot 504 Saloon Car he was employed to drive for a Nigerian Government Official.

Nigerian Economy, went Burst, after the Exodus of the Ghanians. By Mid 90's it is the Nigerians that started migrating to Ghana and every Country on Earth. This trend continue till dis Day.

Talking of present Day, in 2007 the World Economy suffered a Burst, it affected many Countries. But the worst affected were Greece and Ireland my current Home. I lived and went to College in Greece, so I know both Countries and their  mindset.

Ireland, despite the Economic Bitter Pill that it has to take, remain Inclusive to Migrants, actually giving Irish Nationalities to the Foreigners amongst them in tens of Hundreds. Ireland won the Respect of the International Financial Communities, because we have started our Economic Recovery.

Greece on the other hand, a Xenophobic and Highly Racist Country especially against Black Africans. Is in a Financial Mess that will take about Three or Four Generations of Greeks, to get out of.
Greece got into its Financial Mess in the first place, because, it does not include Foreigners in her Economic Life. Immigrants in Greece, live on the Fringes of Society.

I know Black Africans in Greece, that, has been living there since the 70's. They Born their Children in Greece and their Children are having Children now. Their Children Mother Tongue is Greek. Yet the Greek Government does not Recognize them as part of the Society.
They still have to apply for a yearly resident permit. Three Generations?!!!.
Many still Live as Illegal Immigrants when the Greek Government refuses to renew their Permit.
There is no Hope for the Greek Economy in the Foreseeable Future.

If you think about it, you will see that the countries that welcome Immigrants are always well off. Like, USA, UK, CANADA, etc...

This is why I say that, those Nations that the Gods want to punish Economically, are the ones, that drive away foreigners from their Country.

We all have to support the South African Government, in educating this people, and removing the Root Cause of Xenophobia, which is severe Poverty.

We should not allow Ignorance, to Massacre Mandela's Dream for South Africa.

Sunday Ogunyemi

Dublin, Ireland.

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